Silent Witness on the Beeb? Brilliant stuff, if a tad gory. We were particularly interested though this week as there was a beautiful shot of Leo and Janet’s house, and pictured – just before the sad moment when Leo told Janet that he didn’t love her any more – was a gorgeous Chesterfield Sofa. It was pictured in a dusky grey blue fabric (we think) and looked stunning. We would love to re-create such a beautiful thing so if there is anyone out there who would like to order one, then PLEASE get in touch! However, whilst trawling through the interweb thing we found a reference to a Chesterfield Sofa in Gossip Girl way back in 2007, and it looked spookily very similar, with the BBC cutbacks have they been re-cycling? The dusky blue looks fantastic with pink by the way. Speaking of the internet, we have seen many references to Chesterfield Sofas and chairs all over the web and often they seen as the ‘seating for the elite’. There even a reference in the ‘Scotsman’ about Steve Burgess’ new office in Edinburgh

‘Not for them a plush office with Chesterfield sofas, deep-pile carpets and a view of Princes Street Gardens, the city beyond and even, on a good day, the Firth of Forth and the rolling hills of Fife. No, after being elected five years ago for the first time ever, the greenest – and smallest – political group in town got a near-basement room from whose windows you can make out Waverley Station, Princes Mall and the tram works. Not a blade of grass or leaf of tree in sight for the environmentalists’ (Gina Davidson)
True enough you can pay a bit for the ‘reassuringly expensive’ end of the range, however quality and comfort is ‘surprisingly affordable’ particularly if furniture is ordered direct from the manufacturer AND they are made to your specification. So, maybe Steve Burgess won’t feel so bad about having a new Chesterfield from us after all….    ]]>

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